Confidently Grow Beyond $10k Months With Soul-Aligned Offers & Marketing
Your Workshop RecordingDo you want to confidently grow your business beyond $10k months with ease?
I’m not sure exactly where you are in your business right now.
Or what’s preventing you from booking the amazing clients you want with more ease.
But what I DO know is that it’s kinda hard to read the label from inside the bottle.
Especially if the glass you’re trying to look through is cloudy.
What I mean by this, is that you can take the principles I’ve shared in this workshop and try to apply them yourself.
Maybe you’ll start to shift your paradigm, maybe you’ll fix your offer & maybe you’ll start to magnetise amazing clients to you through your pre-selling marketing.
But because you don’t have the tools to continue shifting your paradigm your subconscious will keep pulling you back down to keep you “safe” (and not making progress).
There’s a good chance that because you’re IN the business and are too close to it, there will be obvious things that you miss about your market, offers & messaging.
Not to mention, if you’ve never been shown HOW to presell effectively, you won’t figure it out on your own.
So you’ll give it a try, put some new content out there with a freshly tweaked offer and nothing will change…
(I know because when I try to do things on my own it doesn’t seem to work – but when I get help from my coach/mentor – everything changes for the better and quickly too!)
So maybe you’ll try again & again & again until you get it right.
Or you’ll shrink & constrict as you go back into your old paradigm & old, comfortable habits again.
And I certainly don’t want that for you.
You deserve to have abundance & prosperity.
You deserve to live a full & joyful life. On YOUR terms.
You deserve to do the work that sets your heart on fire & feels more like play, with clients lining up to work with you.
And to have all of this without worrying about what others might say or think.
I can help you achieve this. Here’s how:
We’ll work together 1-1 for 6 weeks in my Confidence & Business Accelerator where we’ll:
- Uncover any limiting beliefs so we can start to shift your paradigm to increase your confidence & expand your wealth container.
I’ll give you specific self-coaching tools & meditations to rewire old thought patterns & your subconscious that you’ll be able to continue using long after we’ve finished working together.
We’ll start to shift your paradigm from anything that’s negative, lack or scarcity based to one where you feel abundant so you can start to magnetise amazing clients to you.
- We’ll make sure you are 100% aligned with what you’re offering & who you’re offering it to.
We’ll also make sure your offer is an Easy-Yes for your BEST fit clients AND that it leads naturally into a longer-term program with amazing clients hand-picked by you. - Last, but certainly not least, we’ll look at how you’re marketing your business and how you’re making sales.
We’ll adjust anything that’s not working & replace it with something that feels more aligned with who you are.
As a bonus, I’ll also give you my Six-Figure Content Sales System that shows you exactly how to create content that pre-sells your programs, calls out your Highest-Level Clients & has them self-select your program so when they are ready, they reach out to work with you and sign up with no objections (and often with no call either)
This program is highly customised & some areas will stand out more than others so we’ll spend more time working on exactly what YOU need.
I’m still offering this program at an incredibly low $2500. (it’s going up when I’ve taken a few more folks through it)
You’ll only need one or two sales to cover this investment in full & it will pay for itself over & over again.
If you want to shift your paradigm, tweak your offers so they are soul-aligned & an Easy-Yes and create a marketing strategy that calls in perfect-fit clients so you can confidently grow your business beyond $10k months book a quick (no-obligation) call with me by clicking the button below.
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