List Building Preselling Lead Magnets

Create hot lead magnets that fill your email list with engaged prospects and presell your high end offer

This workshop is for coaches, experts and online service providers who are interested in using lead magnets to grow their email list AND for these lead magnets to also presell their high-ticket programs.

If you want to stand out and make consistent sales then building a personal connection with your audience is key.

Having an audience on social media is great but it does come with a few setbacks and limitations.

Your email list is more personal, algorithm-proof and immune to the whims of the social media “gods” and their random account restrictions.

Having an engaged email list filled with perfect prospects makes business easier.

Join me for 60 minutes and I’ll show you exactly how to:

  • choose the right lead magnet
  • validate your lead magnet idea before creating it (no point if no one wants it)
  • How to align your lead magnet with your offers so you attract perfect prospects who then move into your premium programs
  • How to use your lead magnet to seamlessly promote your high-ticket offer

Only $15

Date & Details

I’m hosting this workshop live on Zoom so you can ask me lots of questions and connect with other coaches who also want to create List Building Preselling Lead Magnets 🙂

Live workshop: 13 Feb at 5pm SAST, 10am EST, 9am CST, 3pm GMT, 7am PST

Can’t join me live? All good. Lifetime replay access is included with your ticket.

A few of the topics we’ll cover are:

  • How to make sure your lead magnet will appeal to your market
  • What needs to go into your lead magnet to build connection & authority so it’s highly effective
  • BONUS: A step-by-step template you can use to painlessly create your next preselling list building lead magnet in less than an hour.


Only $15