The 5 Things To Pre-Sell

The 5 things to share in your content so your audience can self-select your program and reach out, credit card in hand, ready to buy

WITHOUT 60-minute sales calls or “handling” objections

If you’re posting content regularly but not getting prospects reaching out in your DM’s wanting to find out more about working with you then this guide is for you.

Premium clients know they have a problem and are actively looking for a solution.

They don’t want to have to join your group, go through your funnel or get on calls with you to find out the details of how you can help, how your process works and how much it costs.

They want to be able to find that information on their own by looking at your content.

If they can’t find what they are looking for, they will move on to someone who does share all the information and hire them.

Implementing this pre-selling strategy in our content is what allows us to make sales of $1-10k WITHOUT long sales calls to people we’ve only been connected to for a short time.

In this guide, I share the 5 things to include in your content to pre-sell your program and attract premium clients.

Most people only share 1 or 2 so if you start implementing this you’ll immediately stand out and have HOT prospects reaching out ready to buy.

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