List Building Lead Magnets


Create hot lead magnets that fill your email list with engaged prospects and presell your high end offer


Create hot lead magnets that fill your email list with engaged prospects and presell your high end offer

This workshop is for coaches, experts and online service providers who are interested in using lead magnets to grow their email list AND for these lead magnets to also presell their high-ticket programs.

If you want to stand out and make consistent sales then building a personal connection with your audience is key.

Having an audience on social media is great but it does come with a few setbacks and limitations.

Your email list is more personal, algorithm-proof and immune to the whims of the social media "gods" and their random account restrictions.

Having an engaged email list filled with perfect prospects makes consistent sales easier.

Join me for 60 minutes and I’ll show you:

  • How to create a simple lead magnet your prospects can't wait to get their hands on
  • The Goldilocks Formula to putting just the right amount of information into your lead magnet so your prospects get a win and are ready for what's next
  • The 5 P's to Preselling that lead your prospects into your next offer (most people only use 2 of the 5 P's)

A few of the topics we'll cover are:

    • How to validate your lead magnet idea to make sure it's something your market wants 
    • How to align your lead magnet with your high ticket offer so you can seamlessly promote it
    • What needs to go into your lead magnet to build connection & authority
    • What to do with all your new leads once they have joined your email list

BONUS: A step-by-step template you can use to painlessly create your next List Building Lead Magnet in less than an hour. (let me help you remove all excuses and resistance to growing your email list 😉)


Once purchased you'll get instant access to the training. If you have any problems checking out or logging in please email me at